Con fecha 23 y 26 de octubre se realizará un seminario web para laboratorios y centros de investigación para difundir y cómo participar del Acelerador deTecnologías para el COVID de la OMS, y que tiene como objetivo hacer que las terapias contra COVID-19 sean más accesibles en los países de ingresos bajos y medianos.

En dicho webinar se busca dar a conocer el trabajo realizado por ACT-A, explicar cómo las entidades interesadas pueden participar y también compartir algunos conocimientos que podrían ser útiles (por ejemplo, estimación de necesidades como punto de partida para el dimensionamiento del mercado por caso de uso) 

A continuación, se adjunta invitación e información para inscripción:



Unitaid, on behalf of the ACT-A Therapeutics Partnership and in collaboration with IFPMA, IGBA, ICBA, and EBPMN, invites you to a webinar on the need for COVID-19 therapeutics in low- and middle-income countries.

The Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) is a global collaboration aiming at accelerating development, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines. As part of ACT-A, the Therapeutics Partnership is working with national associations, therapeutics innovators, originator, generic and biosimilar manufacturers to identify challenges to making COVID-19 therapeutics available in low- and middle-income countries. Your participation in this webinar will help inform the direction of the ACT-A Therapeutics Partnership.

The webinar session will take place once on Friday, the 23rd of October (between 5pm and 6pm CEST) and then again on Monday, the 26th of October (between 12pm and 1pm CET) with the objectives to:

  • Introduce you to ACT-A and potential ways of collaborating with the Therapeutics Partnership
  • Share estimated potential need for COVID-19 therapeutics including novel as well as repurposed biologic and small molecule interventions
  • Identify potential challenges in bringing COVID-19 therapeutics to market
  • Share next steps

Please RSVP to this invitation indicating preferred date and participants details (name and e-mail address) to We encourage launch planning representatives to join this session and ask to keep a limit of 3 participants per organization.

Thank you in advance for confirming your participation.

This webinar will be hosted by ACT-A, represented by Unitaid, a hosted partnership of the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with:

IFPMA – International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations

IGBA – International Generic & Biosimilar Medicines Association

ICBA – International Council of Biotechnology Associations