Addressing strategic points of the organization
On Thursday, January 12th of this year, NGO INNOVARTE met with Tomás Lagomarsino, President of the Health Commission of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies and his legislative advisor, lawyer Carolina Carreño. At the meeting held at the headquarters of the Radical Party, they discussed the public policy issues that NGO INNOVARTE is working on.
On the occasion, the challenges of protecting competition in the digital environment and the risk that large digital platforms may represent to free competition and consumers were discussed. It was taken as an example the investigation being conducted by the Fiscalía Nacional Económica (National Economic Prosecutor’s Office) based on the complaint filed by the lawyer Cristián Reyes against Apple and Google for the possible abuse they are committing through their app stores: Google Play and Apple Store.
On Access to Knowledge issues, the lack of regulation on artificial intelligence affected research and, in particular, the legal risks for researchers using text and data mining tools such as Text due to the lack of copyright exceptions for research.
Regarding access to health care, it was discussed the need to resume the processing of the Pharmaceuticals 2 bill, which contains special regulations on the Government’s Use of Pharmaceuticals. Finally, it was discussed how important it is for the government to provide incentives for the participation of research centers in collaborative technology platforms such as the World Health Organization’sCOVID-19 Technology Access Pool , whose non-exclusive licensing model represents an opportunity for development and autonomy for the countries.
Letter to Tomas Lagomarsino on C-TAP Implementation Recommendations