On July 5th, Innovarte, through its Director Luis Villarroel, participated in the Third Day of the Innovation Week 2023 organized by the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru (Concytec), thanks to the invitation of the Health Research Institute of Peru.

The event was marked by the presentation of various experts from around the world related to innovation, emerging technologies and the challenges it presents in which public and private organizations referred to artificial intelligence, agri-technology and sustainable cities.

In this context, Luis Villarroel, referred to the incentives and commitments for using licensing platforms such as the COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) for non-exclusive licensing. In this sense, the Director addressed the way in which licensing mechanisms such as C-TAP can be promoted, the applicable incentives to promote these platforms according to studies formulated both by Innovarte ONG (link to the study) and the World Health Organization, which sought to identify the way in which technology transfer processes and licensing agreements are carried out within institutions.

Innovarte was accompanied by Javier Maira from CSIC of Spain and Gaspar Morgado from the University of Chile.

Check the recording here.

More information at https://www.facebook.com/concytec

#health #wipo

Check out Luis Villarroel’s presentation: