This Monday, July 10, 2023 INNOVARTE ONG met with the Chilean Undersecretary of Economy and Smaller Companies to present the work of the NGO in relation to the Protection of Free Competition in the Digital Environment.
Part of the Undersecretary’s team, Luis Villarroel, Director of Innovarte NGO, as well as consultants Michael Jacobs and Thomas Vinje, international experts in Protection of Free Competition and Digital Platforms, attended the meeting.
The meeting included a presentation of the NGO and its work to strengthen Chilean legislation and awareness to the public and authorities regarding the abuses committed by large digital platforms, mainly due to the lack of updating of national legislation in these matters.
In this context, they discussed the study that Innovarte ONG is doing, to identify possible abuses of digital platforms through interviews with SMEs, as well as probe the lack of knowledge of rights and the challenges that arise in a globalized world and new technologies.
This meeting is part of Innovarte’s interest to draw the attention of authorities regarding the phenomenon of these platforms and their operation, as well as to expose comparative experiences of regulatory adjustments and the challenges that arise to promote free competition in digital spaces.