June 27th, 2023
Innovarte ONG together with the Center for Regulation and Competition of the Law School of the University of Chile and its Department of Economic Law invite you to participate in the II Seminar on Pandemic Preparedness Treaty: Opportunity for Latin America. This event will be held on June 29, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in hybrid mode (zoom and face-to-face) at the Law School of the University of Chile.
The objective of this seminar, which is free of charge, is to promote the debate on a future treaty on pandemics in the context of the negotiations convened by the WHO. These negotiations seek to establish an international instrument that promotes prevention, preparedness, response and resilience to future pandemics, based on principles of equity and solidarity derived from the universal right to life and health. During the seminar, information about the negotiation process of this treaty will be shared, considering different opinions of negotiators, civil society and industry.
For REGISTRATION click on the link according to the modality:
On-site registration: https://forms.gle/6DUe4qGxSSB9e5vP9
Virtual registration: https://bit.ly/29jun23
You can review the program here:
Seminar Program Pandemics Treaty OK_Final