II Cycle of Conversations on Copyright and the International Agenda


On April 28th and 29th, the second version of the seminar “Cycle of Conversations on Copyright and the International Agenda” was held. The event was organized by the NGO Innovarte, in collaboration with the National Intellectual Rights Service of Ecuador (SENADI, by its initials in Spanish) and the American University Washington College of Law.

The purpose of the meeting was to address the Copyright Agenda for the next Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR).

The first day of the event featured presentations by Luis Villarroel, Director of Corporación Innovarte, who elaborated and developed a historical review of the SCCR Exceptions Agenda, which gave way to the study of the African Group’s proposal for a draft work program on exceptions and limitations. The study was led by Mohamed Bakir, representative of the permanent mission of Algeria for WIPO with comments from Sean Flynn and Andres Izquierdo of the AUWCL.

Lastly, Thiru Balasubramaniam (KEI) made a presentation on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations.

On the second day of the seminar, Teresa Hacket of Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) and Jonathan Band, discussed “other related matters” in which they analyzed Copyright in relation to the digital environment, the proposal of Senegal and Congo to include the Resale Right in the Future Work Agenda of the SCCR, as well as the Proposal of the Russian Federation regarding the strengthening of the protection of the rights of theater directors at the international level and finally the Proposal of Study Focused on the Public Lending Right in the Agenda and Work of the SCCR.

In addition, in a closed instance of participation with government representatives, a round table was held for Intellectual Property Offices and other government agencies to discuss the steps to be taken in relation to the SCCR and Latin America.