Today, April 26, 2024, Innovarte ONG, together with other organizations working on access to health in Latin America: Acción Internacional por la Salud Perú; Global Humanitarian Progress Corporation. GHP Corp. Colombia; Ifarma Colombia; Observatorio de Justicia Sanitaria y Climática; Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad; Red de Medicamentos de Guatemala and Vacunas para la Gente Latinoamérica PVA LAC, sent a letter to ministries of health and foreign affairs of LATAM countries, expressing our concern about how negotiations are developing and the content of the current draft of the #pandemicstreaty.
This is particularly important given that we are in the last weeks of negotiations and the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) will resume its sessions on April 29th.
In this letter, we are concerned that the proposed text does not incorporate substantive measures and mechanisms to ensure that developing countries can prevent, prepare for and respond to pandemics, that there are no meaningful provisions for financial support, technology transfer and sharing of proprietary technology and know-how with developing countries, and that there is no provision to ensure timely access to the health products needed by developing countries to cope with a pandemic, thus not reflecting the principle of equity in access to the tools needed to prevent and access health care.
The full text of the letters is available below.
Innovarte, sent communications to the ministries of Chile, to Ms. Ximena Aguilera Sanhueza Minister of Health, Cc. Office of International Relations MINSAL and also to Mr. Alberto van Klaveren Stork, Minister of Foreign Affairs. We expect actions in this line.